O frasco para aspiração confeccionado em Policarbonato (PC) translúcido com capacidade para 5 litros é muito resistente a quedas e impactos e pode ser autoclavado a 134 °C. Projetado para uso em conjunto com bomba de aspiração cirúrgica, tem como finalidade armazenar líquidos, secreções e sangue durante procedimento médico cirúrgico hospitalar ou clínico.

Autoclavable at 134°C with complete float

RMS: 80435140039



O Frasco para aspiração com capacidade de 5 litros confeccionado em PC é muito resistente à quedas e impactos e pode ser autoclavável 134°C. Projetado para uso em conjunto com bomba de aspiração cirúrgica, tem como finalidade armazenar líquidos, secreções e sangue aspirados durante procedimento médico cirúrgico hospitalar ou clinico.

Confeccionado em Policarbonato (PC) translúcido possui graduação em alto relevo, é de fácil visualização e leitura do volume aspirado.

Intended Use

The Aspiration Bottle is intended to retain secretions collected with the aid of secretion aspiration equipment or gas network in medical-hospital procedures

Codes and Descriptions

005714 – FRASCO PC 5,0L AUT 134° S/ TAMPA


  • Frasco confeccionado em Policarbonato (PC)
  • Bottle Dimensions: Conical diameter: 190 x 161mm
  • Height: 350mm
  • Capacity: 5 Liters

Desinfection / Sterilization

Peracetic acid
Prepare the 1% Peracetic Acid solution for high-level disinfection according to the manufacturer's instructions, keep fully immersed in the solution for a period of 15 minutes using gloves, rinse in sterile water and let dry at room temperature or dryer for maximum time 15 minutes, assemble the product and preserve it to keep it safe from contamination until use.

Ethylene Oxide (C2H4O)
Use an appropriate germicidal solution or Ethylene Oxide (C2H4O)
Sterilization using Ethylene Oxide gas must comply with the temperature parameters at 54ºC (130ºF).
When using Ethylene Oxide, follow the instructions provided by the sterilization equipment manufacturer to determine the indicated temperatures and aeration times.

For low-risk disinfection, use 0.5% Peracetic Acid for a period of 10 minutes and follow the sequences described above.
After sterilization in Ethylene Oxide, wait 24 to 48 hours before using the material, to allow for aeration and the release of gas residues.


ATTENTION! Only Polycarbonate/Polysulfone Bottles, their Lid, Lid Sealing Oring can go through the Autoclave process. The safety device (buoy) DOESN'T RESIST sterilization by autoclave, as it does not support temperatures above 60°C.

Follow the autoclave manufacturers instructions for temperature, pressure and time.
Autoclave sterilization procedure:

  • To clean;
  • Pack the product and sterilize individually;
  • Parts must remain inside the chamber for 15 minutes at 121°C or 4 minutes at 134°C
  • Do not place parts inside the chamber without proper packaging;
  • Do not lean the parts against the chamber wall;
  • Do not place the pieces on top of each other;


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